ERP Account Software
We, at Bluelight Computers provide customized ERP Account Software solutions in Dubai tailor made in accordance to the requirement of small, medium and large companies. Our ERP Account Software are user friendly and include a wide range of business analysis and efficiency tools.
ERP is an information system that takes into account all related applications of an enterprise and integrates all departments and functions within a company in a sole computer. Bluelight Computers ERP is cloud based. This means you get lower cost with more value. Bluelight Computer ERP simplifies common challenges today’s discrete manufacturers and distributors face, including:
SIMPLER DECISION – Confidence to Commit: SAP’s historically significant and ongoing investment in SAP Business One gives you confidence to commit to the future-proofed platform upon which Bluelight Computer ERP sits. Our ‘best of breed’ Bluelight Computers ERP solution helps you realize huge efficiency through its seamless
integration with the SAP Business One platform.
SIMPLER DEPLOYMENT — Faster ROI: Bluelight Computer rapid implementation process RACE significantly reduces time to money. Some customers are up and running in as little as two weeks.
SIMPER PROCESSES — Optimized Processes: Bluelight Computer ERP automates and streamlines business processes, so your business runs faster and more profitably.
SIMPLER MAINTENANCE — Always Current: Bluelight Computer ERP keeps you on the latest version through seamless cloud updates. You focus on the nuts and bolts while we focus on the IT.
SIMPLER FUTURE — Scalability: Bluelight Computers ERP future-proofs your business with a modular, open architecture that can grow as you grow, where you grow.